General information on the Society
The Society’s profile
The Poznań Society for the Advancement of Arts and Sciences (later referred to as the Society or PTPN – Polish acronym) is the oldest continuously active scientific society in Poland. It was created in 1857 in the German formula (cf. Gesellschaften der Freunde der Wissenschaften/Künste). At this moment PTPN gathers over thousand researchers, it has a rich collection of paintings (i.a. Matejko, Bacciarelli) as well as the archaeological and natural collections, which are displayed in museums. One of the most significant achievements of the Society was its leading role in the creation of the university in Poznań in 1919.
The structure of PTPN consists of seven Faculties: Philology and Philosophy, History and Social Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medicine, Technical Sciences, Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Art Sciences. Within the Faculties there are operating Commissions. The Commissions of the second Faculty include the Commission of Legal Sciences.
The Society is the owner of a tenement house in the city centre of Poznań where the Library is located and where the Society’s activities take place.
Annual incomes of the Society are around PLN 2,5 million.
According to the Statute of the Society and its Strategy of Actions for 2017-2027, the pillars of the activities of PTPN are the integration of the academic environment, the interdisciplinary character of research and innovation in action. The Statute constitutes that ‘the supporting and pursuing of research (…)’ (see I, § 6, pkt 3) are among the main means for reaching the Society’s statutory objectives.
The Society conducts active and interdisciplinary research, organizes seminars and conferences, manages a renowned publishing house (publishing monographs and scientific journals) and serves to integrate the academics of Poznań and Wielkopolska.
The Library
Since its origins the Society has been managing the Library. The Library has ca. 15.000 old prints (with 155 incunabula), many of which are of legal provenance. These and other books come from i.a. the collections of the Mielżyński family, Jan Koźmian, August Cieszkowski, Amilkar Kosiński, the Sczanieccy family, Kasyn Gostyński. The Library owns prints and journals which are not listed in Karol Estreicher’s Bibliography of 19th Century and books preserved in Poland only here. In total there are over 346.000 volumes in the Library. The Library also possesses precious manuscripts (i.a. manuscript of Halka by Stanisław Moniuszko) or legacies (i.a. legacies of Jerzy Waldorff and prof. Florian Znaniecki).
The Library has the status of a research library and currently its staff includes three employees with a PhD degree.
The Publishing House
The PTPN Publishing House is the oldest continuously active press in Poznań and one of the oldest in Poland. It was placed among the publishing houses in the list of academic publishers of reviewed monographs provided by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland (second level – 80 pts.). The publishing agenda of the Press covers: academic monographs, publishing series (16 series of PTPN’ commissions, 14 other series) and scientific journals (16).
Institutional cooperation
The Society is among the founders of Poznań Foundation of Scientific Libraries (the Chairman of PTPN is a member of the Founders Assembly). The Foundation governs the joint IT management of research libraries of Poznań as well as Wielkopolska Digital Library.
The academic prestige of the Society is demonstrated by the fact that the Chairman of PTPN is a member of a couple of various other academic committees: the Council of University Rectors of the City of Poznań, the Forum of the Scientific Societies’ Agreement at Polish Academy of Learning (gathering the presidents of the most renowned regional scientific societies), the Council of Scientific Societies at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The Society cooperates with the academies of Poznań at multiple levels. Three examples of this cooperation are presented below.
The Centennial Anniversary of University of Poznań
The Society was firmly engaged in the Centennial Anniversary of the University of Poznań (Uniwersytet Poznański), the first university in the city. The Society organized a series of exhibitions and conferences under the heading ‘The University was founded here’. PTPN is considered as one of the three pillars of the University of Poznań (together with non-existent Lubrański Academy and Jesuit College). At the 100th anniversary of the university foundation the rectors of Poznań academies signed the ‘Declaration of Academic Traditions of Poznań’ in the seat of PTPN, which maps out the path to the federation of academies of Poznań.
Local cooperation: A Man of the Future: Challenges for Sciences
Another example of cooperation was a series of interdisciplinary conferences Człowiek przyszłości – wyzwania wobec nauki [A Man of the Future: Challenges for Sciences]. The conferences were a place of academic discussion for both the scholars representing the same disciplines but working at different universities and the researchers from various disciplines working on the same subjects. For each of the conference there was chosen a former member of the Society as its patron of great renown for the specific discipline of science:
- Człowiek a dziedzictwo. Od archeologii Józefa Kostrzewskiego do współczesnych nauk o przeszłości społecznej [The man and heritage. From the archaeology of Józef Kostrzewski to the contemporary sciences on the social past] (21-22.09.2017);
- Człowiek a przyroda i technika. Ergonomia od Wojciecha B. Jastrzębowskiego do dziś [The man and nature and technology. Ergonomics from Wojciech B. Jastrzębowski till today] (24.11.2017);
- Człowiek a gospodarka. Debata w świetle poglądów Edwarda Taylora [The man and economy. A debate in the light of Edward Taylor’s views] (6.11.2017);
- Człowiek a przestrzeń [The man and space] (15.11.2018, Władysław Czarnecki as a former PTPN member and patron);
- Człowiek wędrujący. Turysta interdyscyplinarnie [The travelling man. The tourist from the interdisciplinary perspective] (12.12.2018, Marceli Motty as a former PTPN member and patron);
- Człowiek i zdrowie. Wiktor Dega: życie i dzieło [The man and health. Wiktor Dega: life and work] (8-9.11.2018).
International cooperation: The questions for future
The Society also cooperates with foreign institutions. A good example of this cooperation was a series of lectures titled Pytania o przyszłość [The questions for future] organised together with with The Royal Society of Arts:
– prof. Zbigniew Kundzewicz (Polish Academy of Sciences): Climate Change Impact on Europe (31.01.2019);
– prof. Roman Słowiński (Polish Academy of Sciences): Sztuczna inteligencja – obawy i nadzieje [Artificial Inteligence: fears and hopes] (11.02.2019);
– prof. Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań): Kobiety w XXI wieku [Women in 21st century] (08.03.2019).
Poznań Way for Independence (2017-2019)
It was a series of events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the Wielkopolska Uprising in many aspects. The project was spread over the period 2017-2019 and was realized in cooperation with the academic community of Poznań. The components of the projects were:
– two national conferences attended by experienced academic professors from all over the country (one with focus on the Polish District Sejm in Poznań in 1918, i.e. the provincial parliament of representatives of the Polish people who lived in the contemporary Germany, the other one dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles);
– a series of open-access lectures delivered by experienced academic professors;
– a series of popular scientific and educational walks through the historically important streets of Poznań;
– a series of students and PhD candidates sessions titled ‘The Young about the uprising’;
– three publications: Poznański sposób na niepodległość [Poznań way for independence] (ed. A. Gulczyński, S. Paciorkowski); W przededniu Powstania. Od Polskiego Sejmu Dzielnicowego do przyjazdu Paderewskiego [On the eve of the Uprising: form the Polish District Sejm in Poznań to the arrival of Paderewski] (ed. A. Gulczyński); Czas wolności – czas przemian. Traktat Wersalski i rok 1919 w zachodniej Polsce [Time of freedom –time of change. The Treaty of Versailles and the year 1919 in western Poland] (ed. A. Gulczyński).
The project was sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the City of Poznań.
Poznań Way for Independence: Second Polish Republic (2019-2021)
It is the continuation of the project described above. The focus of the project will be to describe the life in Poland after the restoration of Polish sovereignty in 1918. It consists of a series of lectures and educational walks delivered by renowned professors and the publication of a book. The project is sponsored by the City of Poznań.
The Polish District Sejm in Poznań in 1918 (2017-2019)
The project’s aim was to commemorate the Polish District Sejm in Poznań (3-5.12.1918). The components of the project were:
– a series of exhibitions;
– the edition of sources (Dziennik polskiego sejmu dzielnicowego w Poznaniu w grudniu 1918 r. [The journal of the Polish District Sejm in Poznań in December 1918], ed. A. Gulczyński);
– the biographical dictionary of the Sejm’s members (forthcoming; see also;
– lectures in several cities of Wielkopolska.
The project was sponsored i.a. by the City of Poznań, the Marshal Office of Wielkopolska Region, local self-governance institutions.
The financial support of Ministry of Science and Higher Education gained in competitive subsidies; all numbers in brackets represent the amount of subsidy in PLN.
Total amount of the subsidy for the years 2018-2020: 1 733 305.
Programme Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych [Support for scientific journals] (2019)
- 197/WCN/2019/1 (30 649): Forestry Letters;
- 198/WCN/2019/1 (40 151): Slavia Antiqua. Rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim [Slavia Antiqua. Yearly dedicated to the Slavic antiquities];
- 199/WCN/2019 (59 953): Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology;
- 200/WCN/2019/1 (33 830): Gwary Dziś [Dialects today].
Programme Działalność upowszechniająca naukę [Popularization of science] (2018)
Działalność wydawnicza [Publishing] (522/P-DUN/2018):
- Online edition of journal „Lingua Posnaniensis” vol. 60(1-2), vol. 61(1-2) (18 084);
- Collection of works of renowned scholars from Poznań: Witold Jakóbczyk, Zygmunt Zagórski, Ludwik Zabrocki. Digitalization and dissemination (41 087);
- Online edition of journal „Slavia Occidentalis” vol .75(1): Linguistica, (2): Litteraria (11 418);
- Online edition of journal „Badania Fizjograficzne. Botanika” [Physiographic research. Botany] for the years 2018/2019 (9 134);
- Online edition of journal „Badania Fizjograficzne. Geografia Fizyczna” [Physiographic research. Physical geography] for the years 2018/2019 (13 860);
Upowszechnianie [Popularization] (560/P-DUN/2018):
- Religious language then and now in theological and cultural context (29 500).
Biblioteka [Library] (580/P-DUN/2018):
- Preservation of the unique book collection of the Library of PTPN (125 400);
- Electronical edition of old prints and retroconversion to an online catalogue the 19th century undescribed books collection – continuation (10 500);
- Digitalization of manuscripts, prints and journals from the collection of the Library of PTPN and their upload in Wielkopolska Digital Library – continuation (948 487).
Programme Działalność upowszechniająca naukę [Popularization of science] (2019)
Działalność wydawnicza [Publishing] (715/P-DUN/2019):
- Printed and online publication of journal „Slavia Antiqua” for the years 2019 and 2020 (25 580);
- Printed and online publication of journal „Biuletyn Historii Wychowania” [Bulletin of the History of Education] for the years 2019 and 2020 (31 000);
- Online edition of journal „Gwary Dziś” [Dialects today] 2019 i 2020 (10 988);
- Online edition of journal „Our Europe. Ethnography – Ethnology – Anthropology of Culture” for the years 2019 and 2020 (12 952);
- Printed and online publication of journal „Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology” for the years 2019 and 2020 (24 588).
Upowszechnianie [Popularization] (947/P-DUN/2019):
- Oratorio – cantata – passion in Poland. Literary and cultural contexts (23 400);
- Time of changes – time of freedom. The Treaty of Versailles and the year 1919 in western Poland: organization of a scientific conference and publication (14 500).
Biblioteka [Library] (863/P-DUN/2019):
- Digitalization of mathematical old prints and manuscripts as well as polonica (16th-17th centuries) from the collection of the Library of PTPN and their upload in Wielkopolska Digital Library – continuation (218 244).
- Andrzej Gulczyński (ed.), Jak Dąbrowski do Poznania… Rozważania w 210. rocznicę przybycia gen. Jana Henryka Dąbrowskiego i Józefa Wybickiego do stolicy Wielkopolski [Like Dąbrowski to Poznań… Considerations on the 210th anniversary of general Jan Henryk Dąbrowski’s and Józef Wybicki’s arrival in Poznań]
- Tomasz Olszacki, Artur Różański, Góra Zamkowa w Wyszogrodzie. Mazowiecki ośrodek władzy na przestrzeni dziejów [The The Castle Hill in Wyszogród. The history of Masovia centre of power]
- Błażej Osowski, Kategoria przymiotnika w języku mieszkańców wsi północno-wschodniej i południowo-zachodniej Wielkopolski. Studium leksykalno-słowotwórcze [The category of adjective in the dialect of countryside inhabitants in north-eastern and south-western Wielkopolska. Lexical and word-formative study], Gwary Dziś Monografie [Dialects Today. Monographs] vol. 2
- Agata Stankowska et al. (ed.), Widzenie awangardy [Perception of avant-garde], Literatura i Sztuka [Literature and Art], vol. 5
- Błażej Osowski (ed.), Gospodarz. Słownik języka mieszkańców powiatu kolskiego [The host: The dictionary of the inhabitants of the county of Koło]
- Błażej Osowski (ed.), Gospodyni. Słownik języka mieszkańców powiatu kolskiego [The hostess: The dictionary of the inhabitants of the county of Koło]
- Andrzej Gulczyński (ed.), Dziennik Polskiego Sejmu Dzielnicowego w Poznaniu w grudniu 1918 r. [The journal of the Polish District Sejm in Poznań in December 1918]
- Szymon Łukasiewicz, Możliwości rekultywacji i biologicznego zagospodarowania składowisk odpadów komunalnych na przykładzie Składowiska Odpadów Poznania w Suchym Lesie [Possibilities of reclamation and biological management of municipal waste lands as shown by the example of Poznań’ waste land in Suchy Las]
- Tadeusz Budrewicz, Spory wokół Romantyzmu i jego skutków Franciszka Kurpińskiego [The Polemic over Franciszek Krupiński’s Romanticism and Its Consequences], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 6
- Marcin Jaworski, Barbarzyńcy, klasycyści i inni. Spory o młodą poezję w latach 90 [Barbarians, Classicists and Others. Polemics of New Generation Poets in the 1990’s], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 7
- Aleksandra Budrewicz, „Pan Tadeusz” po angielsku. Spory wokół wydania i przekładu [Pan Tadeusz in English. The Polemic around Publication and Translation], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 8
- Sylwia Panek, Spór o „niezrozumialstwo” w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym [The Interbellum Polemic Over “Dysunderstandableness”], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 9
- Wiesław Ratajczak, Spór o Conrada 1945–1948 [The Polemic Over Conrad: 1945–1948], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 10
- Bartłomiej Krupa, Spór o Borowskiego [The Polemic over Borowski], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 11
- Jacek Kowalski, Witold Miedziak (ed.), Narody – odkrycia – fantazje, czyli średniowieczna kultura z innej strony. Materiały Seminariów Mediewistycznych im. Alicji Karłowskiej-Kamzowej [Nations – discoveries – phantasy: medieval culture from another point of view. Alicja Karłowska-Kamzowa medievalistic seminar materials]
- Elżbieta Winiecka (ed.), Mody. Teorie i praktyki [Fashions. Theories and practices], Literatura i Sztuka [Literature and Art], vol. 6
- Tomasz Jurek (ed.) Słownik historyczno-geograficzny województwa poznańskiego w średniowieczu [The historical-geographical dictionary of the Poznań voivodship in the Middle Ages], vol. 5(4): Wilkowska Struga – Wschancicze
- Elżbiera Nowicka (ed.), Kantata – oratorium – pasja. Odmiany form literacko-muzycznych w kulturze XVIII i XIX wieku [Cantata – oratorio – passion. The variants of literary-musical forms in the 18th-19th centuries culture]
- Błażej Osowski, Wariantywność leksykalno-semantyczna języka wielkopolskich inwentarzy z drugiej połowy XVIII wieku. Studia z dialektologii historycznej [The variants of lexical-semantical language of Wielkopolska inventories of the second half of 18th century. Studies on historical dialectology], Gwary Dziś. Monografie [Dialects Today. Monographs] vol. 4
- Justyna Kobus, Studia nad fleksją rzeczownika w gwarach wielkopolskich [Study on the noun inflection in the dialects of Wielkopolska], Gwary Dziś – Monografie [Dialects Today. Monographs] vol. 3
- Piotr Miłosz Pilarczyk, Sądownictwo Komisji Skarbu Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego (1765-1794) w sprawach skarbowych (studium historyczno-prawne) [The judiciary adopted by the Treasury Commission of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in fiscal cases (1765-1794) (a legal history study)]
- Krzysztof Kurek, Teatr poznański w podróży (1870–1900) [The theatre of Poznań in travel (1870-1900)]
- Marcin Leszczyński, Międzynarodowe public relations jako narzędzie konkurencyjności gospodarki [International public relations as a tool of competitiveness of economy]
- Sylwia Karolak, Spory o Kamienie na szaniec Aleksandra Kamińskiego [Polemics Over Aleksander Kamiński’s Kamienie na szaniec], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 15
- Lucyna Marzec, Spór o Granicę Zofii Nałkowskiej [The Polemic over Zofia Nałkowska’s Granica], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 16
- Maria Jolanta Olszewska, Spór o przyszłość literatury polskiej, czyli polemiki ze Stefanem Żeromskim po jego odczycie Literatura a życie polskie [A Dispute over the Future of Polish Literature, that is, Polemics with Stefan Żeromski after his Article Literatura a życie polskie], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 17
- Przemysław Deszczyński (ed.), Ekonomia informacji [The economy of information]
- Jolenta Brzezińska, Nieznajomi [Strangers]
- Patryk Borowiak (ed.), Słowianie, my lubim… kobiety [Slavs, we like… women]
- Katarzyna Pyżewicz (ed.), Żuławka 13, gm. Wyrzysk – pozostałości wielofazowego osadnictwa z epoki kamienia na terenie Wielkopolski [Żuławka 13, Wyrzysk commune. Remains of a multi-phase stone age settlement in Wielkopolska, Poland]
- Anna Kołos, Sceptycyzm w kulturze intelektualnej polskiego baroku. Literatura, Filozofia, religia [Scepticism in the intelectual culture of Polish baroque. Literature, philosophy, religion]
- Błażej Osowski (ed.), W kuchni u pleszewian. Słownik języka i kultury mieszkańców powiatu pleszewskiego [In the cuisine of Pleszew inhabitants. The dictionary of language and culture of the inhabitants of the county of Pleszew]
- Adam Kozak, Pleszew w późnym średniowieczu i u progu epoki nowożytnej (koniec XIV – początek XVI wieku) [Pleszew in the late Middle Ages and on the threshold of the modern era (Late fourteenth to early sixteenth century)]
- Sylwia Panek, Mosty Karola Irzykowskiego [Karol Irzykowski’s Bridges]
- Michał Kobusiewicz, Moje wspomnienia z archeologią w tle [My memories on archeology]
- Emilian Prałat, Miejsca i sztuka. Wyskoć [Places and Art. Wyskoć]
- Marek Stanisz, Spory o sonet we wczesnoromantycznej krytyce literackiej [The Polemic Over the Sonnet in Polish Early Romantic Literary Criticism], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 12
- Tomasz Sobieraj, Artysta, sztuka i społeczeństwo. Spory i polemiki wokół Confiteor Stanisława Przybyszewskiego [Artist, Art and Society: The Disputes and Polemics over Przybyszewski’s Confiteor], Polemika Krytycznoliteracka w Polsce [Critical Literary Argument in Poland], vol. 13
- Halina Wasilewska, Adaptacje i metamorfozy – znaki chińskie w wybranych sinograficznych systemach pisma Azji Wschodniej [Adaptations and metamorphoses: Chinese characters in selected sinographic scripts of East Asia]
- Badania Fizjograficzne. Botanika [Physiographic research. Botany]: 8(2018), 9(2019);
- Badania Fizjograficzne. Geografia Fizyczna [Physiographic research. Physical geography]: 9(2018), 10(2019);
- Biological Letters: 54/1(2019);
- Biuletyn Historii Wychowania [Bulletin of History of Education]: vol. 36(2016), 37(2017), 38(2018)
- Gwary Dziś [Dialects today]: vol. 9(2017), 10(2018), 11(2019)
- Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology: vol. 18(2018), vol. 19(2019)
- Lingua Posnaniensis: vol. 59/1-2(2017)
- Our Europe. Ethnography – Ethnology – Anthropology of Culture: vol. 6(2017), 7(2018), 8(2019)
- Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze [Poznań Linguistic Meetings]: vol. 33(2016), 34(2017)
- Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne [Poznań Slavic Studies]: vol. 14(2018), 15(2018), 16(2019)
- Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych [The yearly of the social and economic history]: vol. 79(2018), 80(2019)
- Roczniki Historyczne [The yearly of history]: vol. 84(2018), 85(2019)
- Slavia Antiqua: vol. 58(2017), 59(2018), 60(2019)
- Slavia Occidentalis, Linguistica: vol. 75/1(2018)
- Slavia Occidentalis. Litteraria: vol. 74/2(2017)
- Studia z Automatyki i Informatyki [Studies in automatics and informatics]: vol. 43(2018), 44(2019)
International conferences
- XVII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Ikonograficznoprawna [17th International Legal-Iconographical Conference] (20-23.06.2019; the participants represented institutions from nine countries);
- Wojna i książka. Księgozbiory, biblioteki, wydawnictwa i twórcy podczas konfliktów zbrojnych i politycznych. Stan badań i perspektywy badawcze – konferencja międzynarodowa [The War and the Book: Book collections, libraries, publishers, and authors during armed and political conflicts. The state-of-the-art and research perspectives] (13-15.11.2019; the participants represented institutions from eight countries).
Conference series
- Seminarium Mediewistyczne im. Alicji Karłowskiej-Kamzowej [Alicja Karłowska-Kamzowa medievalistic seminar] (40th edition: Miłość Ziemska i Niebiańska w kulturze średniowiecznej Europy [The earthly and heavenly love in the culture of medieval Europe]: 5-7.12.2019);
- Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Naukowa Język religijny dawniej i dziś (w kontekście teologicznym i kulturowym) [Interdisciplinary Conference on the Religious Language Then and Now (in theological and cultural context)] (9th edition: 18-20.06.2018);
- Seminarium Librettologiczne [The Librettology Seminar] (6th edition: Kantata – oratorium – pasja [Cantata – oratorio – passion]: 9-10.12.2019).
Selected major conferences
- A series of interdisciplinary conferences Człowiek przyszłości – wyzwania wobec nauki [A Man of the Future: Challenges for Sciences] (see above 1.4.2).
- Seweryn Mielżyński (1804-1872) (16.02.2018);
- VI Ogólnopolska Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Naukowa „Wolność – niepodległość. Motywy. Idee. Ideologie” [6th National Interdisciplinary Conference: Freedom – independence. Motives. Ideas. Ideologies] (17.05.2018);
- II Kongres Towarzystw Naukowych [2nd Congress of Scientific Societies] (14-15.09.2018);
- Rola towarzystw naukowych w powstaniu uniwersytetów [The Role of Scientific Societies for the Establishing of Universities] (12.11.2018);
- Język w regionie – region w języku [Language in Region – Region in Language] (22-23.11.2018);
- W przededniu Powstania – od Polskiego Sejmu Dzielnicowego do przyjazdu Paderewskiego [On the eve of the Uprising: form the Polish District Sejm in Poznań to the arrival of Paderewski] (26-27.11.2018).
- Początki akademickiego Poznania [The Origins of Academic Poznań] (25.04.2019);
- Czas przemian – czas wolności. Traktat Wersalski i rok 1919 w zachodniej Polsce [Time of change – time of freedom. The Treaty of Versailles and 1919 in western Poland] (27-28.06.2019);
- Wielkopolskie drogi ku niepodległości XIX i XX wieku z perspektywy „Małych Ojczyzn” [The paths to independence in 19th-20th century Wielkopolska from the perspective of ‘Small Homelands’] (3.12.2019).